So Tired (5w5d)

I assume that this is really what it feels like to be pregnant. Today I went from pukey to ravenous in like 30 seconds, two separate times. Second time was in Walmart where I was shuffling along like a zombie doing price checks on my Thanksgiving list. It took all my willpower not to rip open the package of string cheese and eat one in the store. But I know what that would look like to everyone else, so I waited until I got into the car.

But I'm amazed today at how fast I'm becoming stomach-growling, starving. I don't get this hungry, and certainly not several times a day!

The other thing for today? Around 3:00 I just lost all my energy. Seriously, I could have laid my head down on my laptop and taken a nap. I zoned out the whole time while getting my nails done – it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. Hence the zombie-shuffling around Walmart. I knew I really wanted to check their prices so I forced myself to go tonight.

I am SO glad to be home, but the thought of trying to fix dinner seems laughable. Here's hoping Paul's in a good mood when he gets home and I can walk him through cooking some ravioli and heating up some sauce.

But srs, the rapid-fire changes in hunger and energy are kinda scary. Kinda cool, but definitely weird.

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