Just a little update here, cuz I still have a banging cold and should have been in bed an hour ago at least.
Kieran is sitting up unassisted for longer and longer periods of time. I don’t know how long he has to go before it counts as “sitting” as opposed to “supported sitting” but he’s doing it. Proof:
Also, Kieran is getting really good at reaching out for, grabbing, holding onto and bringing things to his mouth. This is great for his pacifier (the infrequent times he uses it) because he can replace it in his mouth when he wants it. This is not so wonderful for my glasses. Proof:
This little guy is a happy little goof. Proof:
He is just so cute! I want to munch those little cheeks! I get the “don’t mommy” when I try to munch Skadi’s cheeks.