Christmas Cards (10w2d)

The Christmas cards finally went out today. The stupid little Santa hats arrived this afternoon! So the word will be out within a few days. We’re pretty excited for people to know, if for no other reason than it’s getting hard to remember who knows and who doesn’t. :)

I told my work at our office potluck on Wednesday. They were pretty shocked, but everyone seemed genuinely happy.

I ended up taking today off of work. After a rough night of very little sleep, there was just no way I could go to work. I managed to get a bit of stuff done today but not terribly much. There’s so much I wanna do (like decorate the Christmas Tree) but I’m just too dang tired. I’m really hoping that once the 1st trimester is over, I won’t be so freaking exhausted. I don’t mean to complain though – I just do what I can and am doing a pretty good job of not stressing about what doesn’t get done.

One thought on “Christmas Cards (10w2d)

  1. Hey lady! Thrilled about your news. Yes, 1st t.mester is exhausting, I sat on the couch the entire time catching up on Criminal Minds and Law & Order episodes! Get ready for a dose of energy come the 2nd t.mester. Let me know if you need anything, need to vent, whaterver – so excited for you & Paul. What a wonderful Christmas gift.

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