Cleared for the Weekend (34w6d)

Shortest appointment in the last two weeks! We were in and out in barely an hour!

Little man cooperated with monitoring and kicked and rolled over a couple of times. I gained back a half pound. So that puts me at 13.5 pounds total gained this pregnancy. I find it fascinating how these numbers bounce, since they seem to have no correlation with my actual size. But hey, I’m just happy I’ve managed to stay in a happy, healthy range. My blood pressure was better than it’s been in like two weeks: 147/90!!

Apparently, I have oligohydramnios or too little amniotic fluid. I’m drinking more, I swear I am. My fluid score was 6.7 today, so a teeny bit higher than it was on Wednesday, but still well under the 14 they wanna see at this point.

We were concerned because I’m feeling like ass about half the time, and my right and left feet/ankles were not equally swollen – which is something the lists of pre-eclampsia symptoms always point out, when one foot is markedly more swollen than the other. But the nurse said that as long as the edema wasn’t pitting and I could still move my feet, we didn’t need to be worried. That was nice to hear!

So I’m cleared for the weekend. Next appointment is on Monday. A week from then and we’re done!

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