Kieran has a cousin! (12w5d)

As of around 7:30am PST this morning (4:30pm Belgium time) Kieran has a cousin. No word on name and no pictures yet, but he arrived healthy and full-term. By all reports, Mama and baby are doing fine.

Paul and I thrilled for Cassie and her fiancee Kurt. We remember how we felt almost three months ago when our own son arrived. The overwhelming joy, happiness, fear and relief. And the love. Oh yes, the love.

What hit me most this morning when I woke up to hear Paul calling his grandmother to report the good news (delivered within minutes by Grampy via Skype) was the joy in his voice for his little sister. For all their squabbling and bickering, he loves her something fierce. He is so proud of her, watching her from half a world away, forge her life on her own terms. And now she’s made a little family for herself. We couldn’t be happier for them.