This last month has just FLOWN by!! I can’t believe that Christmas was just over a month ago. (I’m still trying to get my thank you cards done!! ack!) But so much has happened in the last month too:
Kieran continues to do wonderfully at Daycare. (We call it School.) His teachers are really getting to know him, and he has made friends in his class. Most mornings, he barely notices when Paul kisses him goodbye because he’s already engrossed in playing! He’s still the biggest diva in the class, but he’s slowly learning to be patient and to entertain himself. (He just really really likes company – he doesn’t like to feel like he’s alone.) Watching the other kids is really helping Kieran grow and learn – he wanted to get up in the high chairs at lunch time, which lead to him having his biggest solid meal each day at school. He’s starting with Cheerios this week after watching the other kids with theirs. (His teachers are great about helping him try these things in a very safe way. Paul and I trust them completely.)
- Kieran is rolling over from front to back and back to front. He can log-roll around if he wants to. He doesn’t seem to want to do that very much yet though, mostly because it would mean rolling away from whoever is on the floor with him. When he topples over on his play mat, we don’t rush to help him up anymore. And he’s all over the place in his crib. We’ve had to move all his stuffed animals out from the far end because he’s actually moving around in there now!
- Kieran likes to play on his belly now too. He’ll push himself up on his arms while on his playmat and laugh and laugh. He does a flippy/spin thing on the changing table that would be amazing if it weren’t quite so annoying during a diaper change. He’s always trying to roll over during a diaper change, so keeping a hand on him is vital these days. (No, we don’t think his cloth diapers make it any harder at this point really – he’s be just as squirmy with disposables too. But we are all the more glad that we don’t have to deal with sharp diaper pins though.)
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