1st Father’s Day (11m3w)

Happy Father’s Day, Paul.

You are the most incredible Daddy to Kieran.

I thought I knew what love was. We’ve had a pretty amazing 19 years together. And I thought I knew what love was: the amazing, wonderful way I feel about you.

But then we became parents. And I’ve seen you laugh and cry more in this last year than I have in our whole relationship. (I think you could probably say the same about me though, which is really saying something…) I’ve watched you change thousands of diapers (3286 total and counting…) and watched you melt at your son’s gurgles, cries, and laughs. He is undoubtedly your best buddy. And you are his Hero. You are his Daddy.

I thought I knew what love was, but this year I’ve learned all over again why I love you, and how much I can love someone. You are an incredible Father. Kieran is SUCH a lucky little boy. And I am so blessed to have you both.

You’ve been my friend, my love, my help mate, my soul mate… but now you are the Father of my child as well. I have fallen in love with you all over again, as we’ve fallen in love with our son. He is the best gift we’ve ever given each other.

Happy Father’s Day, Honey. I love you so very very much.

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