Name Game (2d)

A little more about our son’s name and how we came up with it…

Kieran (KEER-en) is an Irish name meaning Little Dark One, derived from the Gaelic Ciarán, which is from ciar (black, dark), a word meaning “dark-haired”. A dark-haired child.

Josiah (Joe-SIGH-uh) is a Hebrew name meaning God Helps or God Saves.

We literally started with a website that lists nearly 6,000 names and started culling them down. We used “most popular” name lists to cull out even more names, as we didn’t want our son to be one of four Noahs in his kindergarten class. We read article after article on what to look for to make sure the name was a good one. We thought of potential nicknames and schoolyard taunts (of which we think there are few for this name, actually.) And we talked about it. We made spreadsheets combining our potential names into first and middle name combinations and then traded sheets to see what the other was rating as their favorites. And we talked about it some more. We had a final list of about 14 first and middle name combinations that we kept with us and pulled out at every meal to just read over together and get used to saying. We had our favorites as we arrived at the hospital but wanted to see what our little guy looked like before settling on a forever name.

And even still, it took us until the next evening as we shared our special surf & turf dinner together courtesy of the hospital that we arrived at Kieran Josiah. (Don’t get too excited, it was still hospital food…) We love how unique it is, we love that googling it doesn’t bring up and bad people, we love that St. Kieran of Ireland seemed like a good guy, we love how it sounds as we discuss our son.

(And no, to those who know me and are making assumptions about where the middle name came from – our son isn’t named after anyone, real or fictional. Really.)

Whole New World (18 hours)

We cannot begin to describe the last 18 hours. Our lives have changed irrevocably for the better, and even now we cannot imagine our lives without our little man. (Who still doesn’t have a name.)

Baby is doing great. I’m doing very well, up and around this afternoon with the nurses’ permission. I’m looking forward to a shower later this afternoon. Paul has been incredible with all my needs, and changing diapers and just everything. I am so blessed by both my men.

Nursing is going well. The lactation consultant was in first thing this morning while I was struggling to get the little man to latch on. Her help was invaluable, and he had his longest feed so far.

Our son is peaceful and content. We are besotted. We’ve never known love like this before for each other, or for anyone else. Nothing prepares you for the overwhelming love you feel at that first cry. This has been without a doubt, the best day of our lives.

The vital stats:

  • Born: 6:56pm on Tuesday June 29, 2010 by Cesarean section
  • Weight: 6lb 4oz
  • Length: 19.5″, with an impressive conehead, so we expect him to lose .5 to 1″ (he’s already rounding out nicely today.)
  • Hair: yes, medium brown
  • Eyes: bluish-silvery-green (they’ll fix on something in 6 months or so.)
  • APGARS: 8 and 9
  • Paul has started taking pictures and put a few up in a gallery. We’ll continue to share our journey, but pardon us if we get a little caught up just holding our sweet baby boy this week. In the meantime, please oogle our beautiful son by clicking below.

    Flowers from Cassie and Kurt. Thanks, Aunt Cassie & Uncle Kurt!

Storytime? (37w)

We have been incredibly blessed by friends and family during this pregnancy and showered with gifts. Our nursery is in fantastic shape, just waiting for us to bring our little man home in a few days.

Except for one thing, that I’m really only realizing now with all the parenting and baby care stuff I’m reading. (My reading material has shifted from pregnancy-related to labor/delivery and now to ‘how the heck do we take care of this thing?’ type titles and magazines.) We have like NO BOOKS for the little guy. Apparently we’re supposed to start reading to him nearly immediately – and seriously, we have like two books! (Including Goodnight Moon.)

So, friends and family: suggestions please! We’re huge fans of Amazon, but the selection is so overwhelming when I go to look at kid’s books. I need guidance! What do you have fond memories of reading to your children? What books do your babies/toddlers/kids love? What book will you go all Van Gogh on yourself if you have to read aloud one more time? I’ll probably just build a huge wishlist to whittle down with all your suggestions, so all types of books are welcome – stuff to read to baby, stuff to let baby actually get his moist little hands on: all of it!

Thanks in advance once again for your help, everyone. I cannot believe that the little critter that is kicking me on the inside as I type this will be on the outside in a matter of a day or two.

Cleared for Launch (36w6d)

Today was my last prenatal appointment. Short and sweet.

  • BP: 154/97 both times
  • Fluid: 5.7 in only two pockets (dunno if that’s good that they were big, or bad that there were only two.)
  • Monitoring: Little man seemed content to kick at the monitors, so he didn’t need to be buzzed.
  • Group B Strep test was positive, so I’ll need 2-3 doses of antibiotics during the course of labor. No big deal, just one more thing going into the IV.
  • We chatted for a bit with our favorite nurse, Paula. She’s a neat lady. Hugs all around when we left.

    So we’re cleared to arrive at the hospital at 7:30 on Sunday. This is getting very real all of the sudden.