Inducing (19w5d)

In response to a question posed in a comment, here’s a little about what is currently planned –

Dr. Schwartz has suggested that I be induced a week before my due date for a couple of reasons:

  • Diabetics tend to have very large babies (10lb+ isn’t uncommon.) The baby is full term anytime after 38 weeks, so pulling it a little early just means the baby is smaller. Smaller babies have an easier time being delivered vaginally, and have fewer blood sugar issues after they’re born. It’s common for large babies of diabetic women to have higher than normal blood sugars for a few days after delivery. The smaller the baby is at birth, the less this is a problem. We’re still expecting the baby to be ~8lb on delivery.
  • Dr. Schwartz really wants me to have a vaginal delivery. He feels that at my size, recovery from a c-section would be harder than average. Also, there’s a lot of benefit to the baby by being delivered vaginally. It releases hormones that finish maturing the lungs and helps to ‘wring out’ junk and fluids from the lungs and sinuses. Neither of us are opposed to a c-section if it becomes necessary, but a vaginal delivery would be preferred.

At this point, I have no problems going along with Dr. Schwartz’s plan. Whatever he feels will be best for the baby (and me) is what I want. I trust my OB to guide me in this. (Gotta say, I really LOVE Dr. Schwartz. I can’t imagine going through this process without such a great doctor.)

Half-way (19w3d)

I am half-way through my pregnancy. Yes, 20 weeks is the usual half-way mark, but seeing as I’m not going to go to a full 40 weeks – I did the math and the magic day is today! (currently Dr. Schwartz is aiming to induce me a week early on July 10.)

There is SO much to do. We’ve made a little progress, but between Paul’s work schedule and me getting totally sick (and now Paul is sick) it’s been hard to get things done. Plus, while I’m not exhausted like I was during my firxt trimester, I am pretty beat after a full day at work, so I don’t have much left after getting home, doing homework and getting dinner made. But I have faith in us.

We’re hopefully picking wall colors for the nursery and baseboard colors for the house. I think once we have the paint purchased and in-house it will lend a new sense of urgency to getting the office emptied and getting the guest room cleared out.

But… Um, yeah. I’m half-way through this. Hopefully that means that I’ll start feeling something soon. I’ve felt a couple of flutters, but I’d like to start having poking contests with my kid in the near future.

Physicality (18w5d)

Random physical stuff:

  • I am rapidly approaching the end of useful life for my sole remaining pair of jeans. Getting them on right out of the dryer is becoming a challenge, and they’re not as comfortable when I’m sitting as they used to be. I will be completely in the realm of knit pants from here on out, methinks. (since maternity jeans in my size do.not.exist.)
  • Speaking of disappearing waistlines…. mine is slowly but surely disappearing. And the way I can really tell is that I can FEEL the honeydew melon of my uterus now, right at my waistline – in line with my bellybutton. I still haven’t felt anything (OK, maybe one or two flutters, but I’m not sure) so it’s reassuring to finally be able to feel *something* that confirms this isn’t all in my head. I showed Paul and had him poke my waist… just weirded him out.
  • Round ligament pain isn’t any fun. It’s terribly disconcerting. And, um… it hurts!
  • I’m finding that I do feel a difference now when I’m laying in bed and I end up on my back. The books say that laying on my back at this point will put pressure on a big vein and/or nerve. They’re right. I can feel it, and notice a difference when I roll to one side or the other. (It’s kinda cool when the stuff in the books turns out to be correct.)
  • I have ugly shoes. But I’m totally OK with this. Because for the first time in a long time, I have comfy shoes. AND they slip on, so no more bending over to tie my shoes. (I can tell that putting on socks is gonna get interesting in another month or so.) I got two pairs of these beauties, and they really are comfy!
  • Wilford Brimley is my hero. He (OK, the folks at Liberty Medical) finally sent me new insulin syringes. The ones I got at Walgreens sucked. At least once a week I would jab myself, only to have the dang needle not go in. Couple that with increasing dosages requiring me to jab myself multiple times, several times a day… I’m thrilled to have the largest insulin syringes available with the smallest, finest needles they got.
  • Lastly, while I’m all about winter all the time; I can’t wait for it to warm up enough to use the pool at my in-laws. I have every intention of heading over there after work each day and walking or swimming laps or something. The exercise will do me good, and the temporary relief of pressure off my back will be wonderful too. Our highs have been kissing 70 for a few days, so maybe it’s not so far away!

Little Stinker… (17w6d)

For those waiting with bated breath: WE DON’T REALLY KNOW. Sorry.

Our kid is a little stinker. The baby spent basically the entire time sitting on it’s butt, directly on top of my cervix. The tech tried and tried to jiggle it outta position, but nothing doing. (a couple of Andes mints didn’t help either.) She had a hard time even getting the measurements she needed for the anatomical ultrasound (femur, abdomen, head) because the little critter wouldn’t cooperate. And the couple of times it did move where we could get a look: it put it’s hand(s) between it’s legs.

But the good news is that Dr. Schwartz says everything looks fine. Some of the measurements are measuring “ahead” by nearly two weeks, but Dr. Schwartz says that’s because Paul and I are both tall, so we’re having a tall baby. It’s weight clocked in right at 8oz.

For those interested or who know what on earth this relates to:

  • Head Circumference: 16.25cm (6.4″)
  • Abdominal Circumference: 12.42cm (4.8″)
  • Femur Length: 2.5cm (1″)

The heartrate came in at 161, so according to old wives – it’s a girl. Dr Schwartz and the tech gave us a guess, but they both strongly cautioned us not to paint anything yet. I tried to explain to Dr. Schwartz that I’m a planner and I really need to know… he chuckled, told me to deal, and then listed his favorite neutral nursery colors.

Paul’s mom Jeanne came along today and seemed to really enjoy herself, especially when the tech turned up the sound and the WHOOSH-WHOOSH-WHOOSH of the baby’s little galloping heart stopped our chatter for a moment. I wish the kid would have cooperated a bit more so she could have seen it wave and face us like Paul and I have seen before. I invited her to come to the next appointment if she wanted to, since we’ll try again then to get/confirm the sex.

In the meantime, there’s new pictures that I screen grabbed from the DVD we got today. (I’ll get a DVD of the next appointment too.) They’re mostly body parts, but there’s a couple cool profiles – and an awesome 3/4 full face image from the heartrate image. It’s small, but if you’re good at all for looking at ultrasounds, I think you’ll see it. It’s kinda like the face on the moon… the baby is looking to the left. You can see the chin, lips, nose, cheeks, forehead and a dark hollow where the left eye is.

Blurry face

Labeled blurry face

The rest of the appointment was pretty ordinary. Insulin and one BP med were upped a tad. Weight is up .5lb for a total of 4.5lb in 18 weeks – just fine. My next appointment is in 3 weeks, which is great. The fewer appointments I have for a bit, the less paid leave I have to burn. (Last week’s illness cost me 3 days of maternity leave…) They drew blood for TSH, a1c, and the 2nd part of the quad screening. (Dr. Schwartz took a copy of a bill I got from the lab for $700 worth of “genetic” tests that my insurance is denying from my first visit in November… I LOVE that he’s willing to take on that kind of stuff for his patients.)

So for now I guess we’re looking at more gender neutral stuff, since we might not find out the sex of our little stinker until July!

Amateur Doctor

We had hoped that today we would discover who’s father I become: a baby girl’s Daddy, or a baby boy’s Pop. Well, the skilled technicians and doctor couldn’t make the call since the little punk kept turning its back on us. So, I would like to introduce myself to our blog by opening up a poll to our friends and family: Can you decode the image and guess what the sex is of our baby? Take a look here, or click the image for larger, and take a guess! The technician and doctor reported that this was the definitive image to go by…
Can you tell the sex of Baby?

So, is our baby a boy or a girl?



Here’s the current results of others who have played doctor:

So we’ll have to wait another 3 weeks till the next ultrasound to find out for sure, but until then, I can at least get to work emptying out the baby’s room and preparing it for painting and new carpet. The decision on paint and furniture color will just have to wait.