Pumpkin Patch Adventures (15w4d)

By the looks of my Facebook wall, today seems to be national Take Your Kid to the Pumpkin Patch Day and we were no exception.  Our goal was to go early in the day before it got too warm and hopefully before it got too crowded.  We almost hit the mark on both objectives.  Almost.

Grampy Tom joined us at the Pumpkin Patch around the corner from his house around 10:00am.  (Grammy Jeanne was excused because she’d barely been in the country 12 hours after returning from Belgium for Cousin Grant’s birth.)  Paul and Tom did their level best to get some good pictures, having to contend with staying in the shade and with little-warm, little-tired Kieran.

Kieran apparently has some deep-seated dislike of pumpkins, hay, or both.  Needless to say, this made pictures difficult.  Paul wants to try to go back at night, which I think might work better considering Kieran will be asleep for the whole thing!  That’s not to say that we don’t LOVE the pics we got.  We want to remember the day as it was, with our sometimes crankypants little man!  (Who, for the record was a charming little guy as soon as we got back to Grammy & Grampy’s house and got him out of the overalls!)

Happy Little Autumn FamilyI DEFINITELY do not like pumpkins!There's a tiny pumpkin where it shouldn't be.

As always, click the pics to see more!