What a week this has been! Kieran’s first Christmas, surrounded by family. I took some vacation time off work to combine with paid holidays to give us some time together as a family these last few days, and most of next week.
Turns out it’s a good thing I took the time off this coming week – because Paul won’t be home with us for a good portion of Monday – Wednesday. You see, Paul will be AT WORK.
That’s right: PAUL GOT A JOB!! A FULL-TIME JOB!!
The short story is that these folks came to Paul because of a tip from a VERY unexpected vector, based on work Paul had done while at the Venetian. His photography and video (shooting & post-production) skills, his IT knowledge, and his ease when working with ‘talent’ are all coming back to serve him once again. The job is full-time, Monday through Friday, at decent pay. We are THRILLED. (The “interview” was on Christmas Eve, with one day notice. Not that it was an interview, really. More like: “Here’s what we want you to do and here’s what we can pay you for it. Does that work for you?”) Paul will be working a couple of half-days this week to get up to speed.
But what this means is that Monday January 3rd marks the end of an era. Daddy Day Care is closing, and Kieran will be spending his days in a daycare center. Paul and I are doing our best to get right with this as quickly as possible. We knew this day would come eventually. It was supposed to happen much earlier. But it doesn’t make it any easier.
We know that Kieran will do wonderfully at daycare. He’ll probably learn to nap. He’ll be surrounded by teachers who will play with him and hug him and make sure he’s well taken-care of. He’ll learn sign language, and sharing and playing with others. He’ll get over his burgeoning stranger anxiety. All of this is to the good.