Pumpkin Patch Adventures (15w4d)

By the looks of my Facebook wall, today seems to be national Take Your Kid to the Pumpkin Patch Day and we were no exception.  Our goal was to go early in the day before it got too warm and hopefully before it got too crowded.  We almost hit the mark on both objectives.  Almost.

Grampy Tom joined us at the Pumpkin Patch around the corner from his house around 10:00am.  (Grammy Jeanne was excused because she’d barely been in the country 12 hours after returning from Belgium for Cousin Grant’s birth.)  Paul and Tom did their level best to get some good pictures, having to contend with staying in the shade and with little-warm, little-tired Kieran.

Kieran apparently has some deep-seated dislike of pumpkins, hay, or both.  Needless to say, this made pictures difficult.  Paul wants to try to go back at night, which I think might work better considering Kieran will be asleep for the whole thing!  That’s not to say that we don’t LOVE the pics we got.  We want to remember the day as it was, with our sometimes crankypants little man!  (Who, for the record was a charming little guy as soon as we got back to Grammy & Grampy’s house and got him out of the overalls!)

Happy Little Autumn FamilyI DEFINITELY do not like pumpkins!There's a tiny pumpkin where it shouldn't be.

As always, click the pics to see more!

Milestones, or something (15w1d)

Lest is sound like we’re all work and no play around here…Outtake from 3 month self-portrait with Mama

Kieran is developing at lightning speed! He grows and changes before our eyes – every day he’s reaching farther, kicking harder, standing longer, cooing and giggling louder, and just astounding us with how enchanting he is, discovering his world.

Kieran reached out, grabbed Mr. Giraffe and held on to nom on his ears!  First time to grab a toy and hold on!In just the last few days, Kieran has started to reach out for toys and grasp them. He’s able to actually hold onto lightweight toys now, and is starting to bring them to his mouth. He’s starting to put things in his mouth (or try at least) and nom on them for a bit.

Paul's baby girl and his baby boyIn his several-times-daily baby gym time, he’s reaching for and *hitting* the dangling aeronautical vehicles far more often now. And with a little help from Daddy, he’ll grab and hold onto them as well! Oh, and since Kieran frequently shares his gym with Laurel Cat, we’re helping Kieran learn how to gently pet the kitty.

Om Nom hands!Kieran turns and looks in response to Paul’s and my voices. I wouldn’t say he responds to his name quite yet, but he’ll look around when he hears us – especially Paul. Daddy is Kieran’s bestest friend – but don’t tell Mr. Hand and Mr. Hand, they might be offended. Kieran still has regular confabs with them about everything.

Kieran is an absolute joy to us, especially before 7:00am, cuz WOW this kid wakes up in a good mood. How Paul and I managed to produce a morning person is beyond both of us. God apparently has a sense ofSweet little man. humor. At this rate, Kieran will be a total sports-obsessed jock too. Whatever he turns out to be, he’ll always be my little boy. My little angel. My little Prince.

Sleep Training / Nap Awareness (15w1d)

This has been an interesting week so far. We quickly re-christened our efforts from Sleep Training to “Nap Awareness” as that’s really what it’s become at this point.

By really working hard to be aware of Kieran’s status (and how long he’s been awake during a given ‘cycle’) we’ve been able to start something of a routine of naps. Dr. Weissbluth (he of the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child fame) and just about every other sleep doctor out there agree that at Kieran’s age (birth or gestational) he can’t handle more than about 2 hours awake at a time.

So Paul has been diligent about watching Kieran for sleepy signals: rubbing eyes, yawning, slowing down in general, staring off into the distance, etc. Taking cues from Kieran when he’s getting sleepy has made it possible (not necessarily easy) to get him down for naps during the day. He’s sleeping for only 30-45 minutes at a time though, which is FAR from ideal. Kieran wakes grumpy/fussy most of the time, although he usually gets his happy back within 10 minutes or so.

Problem is, these 3-4 short naps a day don’t seem to be helping anything. Kieran’s disposition hasn’t changed really. We’re hitting a 5:30 bedtime, even though we’re not aiming for it – just impossible to keep Kieran up any later than that. He’s sleeping 4.5-6 hours starting at 5:30ish, and then ~3 hours after a bottle and fresh diaper. He’s up again around 2:30am or so for another bottle and diaper change. (I’m certain he needs these bottles as I can hear his tummy growling when I pick him up from the crib.) The last sleep of the night is getting harder and harder though. Kieran fights going back down even though he’s yawning and rubbing his eyes. And, he’s only sleeping 45 minutes to an hour – I’m ending up having to settle him back down to sleep between 3:30 and 4:00 to try to get him closer to a 5:00am wakeup with Paul. This morning wakeup was at 4:37am.

So the night looks like this:

5:30pm – Bedtime
10:30pm / 11:00pm – up for bottle and diaper change with Mama
11:00m / 11:30pm – Back down to sleep
2:30am / 3:00am – up for bottle and diaper change with Mama
3:00am / 3:30am – back down to sleep
3:45am / 4:15am – tummy rubbing and pacifier to try to extend sleep to or past 5:00am
4:30am / 5:00am – WAKEUP with Daddy

There hasn’t been any “crying it out” though. There’s sometimes some protest crying before naps or bedtime, but that’s usually less than 2-3 minutes. If he continues longer than that, one of us goes in and rubs his tummy while offering his pacifier until he falls asleep. But even the protest crying is only like 10% of the time. We quickly figured out that if he’s gonna cry/whine/complain past 8-10 minutes, he’s not gonna sleep.

We’re taking it one day at a time right now. It seems that Kieran is *just* starting to get to where a nap schedule is feasible. We just hope we can figure out a way to lengthen these naps soon – it’s hard to have a little guy who seems tired and cranky even with so much napping. Keeping him up doesn’t seem to be the answer – but neither does leaving him in the crib to cry when he wakes up before an hour. How do you get a baby to sleep *longer*?

A friend of mine in Canada questioned why this subject isn’t even touched on in Baby Care classes. There’s so many conflicting theories out there, and it’s something that EVERY new parent struggles with. Why on earth aren’t we given some training about this, especially when we’re already seeking out training on other ways to care for our new babies? We plan on asking our Pediatrician for guidance when we’re at Kieran’s 4 month well-check in early November, but that seems like a very long way off right now.

We do realize how lucky we are though. For the most part, Kieran is a very happy little guy. He isn’t colicky at all, which is a HUGE blessing. He never had his days and nights mixed up. We’re just at a little bit of a rough patch right now, but I’m sure it will be over soon enough.

And in the meantime, he’s so stinking cute that it makes up for any crankypants moments he may have!
Couch Potato?Helping Mama with the diaper laundrySweet little (wet) face.  Seriously, the drool is epic these days.

Family Photos in the Park (7w5d)

Today we all went to breakfast and then went to a park a couple blocks from the house for a family picture session. Tom and Paul scoped out the best location they could in the noonday sun with shade for the Grandmas to sit in while shots were set up.

The pictures came out great, although we all were a little wilted towards the end. Mama and Kieran both got a little sun… oops. We never take Kieran out in the daytime like this, but next time we do, he’ll certainly have his hat on and sunscreen on any exposed skin – that’s for sure!

Click on the pictures to see the whole album of Kieran’s parents, grandparents and great grandparents together for the first time!

Always with the hands in his face, even still...Both sides of Kieran's familyGrampy Tom is such a jokerKieran is starting to grab and hold onto things!Mama and DaddySarah's Grandma Cat & Paul's Grandma Nonny

Pregnancy Portraits (33w1d)

Yesterday we set out at a ridiculously early hour (7:00am) to head to Red Rock Canyon for some portraits of Paul and I at this special time. I think we would have liked to wait a little longer, but between the uncertainty of how long I’m gonna stay pregnant and not wanting to be taking portraits in triple-digit temperatures, yesterday seemed ideal. (We’re forecast for triple-digits on Friday.)

Tom (Gramps) was the camera man of the day, and he did a fantastic job. With his backwards visor and his big fancy pants camera, he looked like a paparazzo. ha!

But the day was beautiful, the wind was calm, and it was just perfect temperature when we got out into the canyon a little after 8:00am. Tom and Paul were suitably impressed with my less-than-billy-goat like skills at getting up on the rocks and such. Great care was taken, and I never even slipped once. Not bad for the unwieldy pregnant lady.

Nearly three hours and 400-something images later, we were on our way home, having stopped at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign.

We culled out our favorites: have a look at the whole gallery by clicking any image below!