Dancefloor (12w2d)

It amazes me reading about what’s going on with the critter right now. Mostly because it’s moving around now. And with this week’s ultrasound confirming this fact…. I was amazed watching our baby do somersaults, flip from side to side, kick and wave – and I couldn’t feel any of it.

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Some of the pregnancy forums I’m lurking on have women in their first pregnancies saying they’re already feeling the baby move. All the books say I won’t feel anything until at least 16 weeks, and probably not until 20 or 22 weeks because I’m so big already. That’s kinda depressing. I’m sure folks will say that I’ll get sick of being kicked and prodded fairly quickly; but I don’t think I will. I’m trying to really *live* every moment of this pregnancy, because I figure I’ll get told not to have another kid after this. So I wanna get all I can out of this experience.

Just kinda feels weird to know I’m our baby’s personal little dancefloor and I can’t even feel it yet. I’m still taking time every day though to just lay my hands on my belly and connect with the little critter. I’m certain that one of these days I’ll be focusing my thoughts on my little one and I’ll feel a little prod back. Just wish that day would get here sooner.

Little Dancer (11w6d)

We have quite a little dancer on our hands. It was flipping and wiggling and kicking and WAVING at us. But it behaved just beautifully for the ultrasound tech – even flipping to the other side to give the tech a better angle for the Nuchal Fold screening.

Paul was just slack-jawed the whole time. I was pointing out what we were seeing on the screen and he was just amazed when he finally started to see the little critter on his own. It was pretty awesome! I was laughing and giggling like a loon every time it waved at us! I couldn’t believe how active the little shrimpy thing is!

12 Week profile, over 2 inches!

There’s new pictures in the gallery, and we’re working on putting up the little movies they gave us. (The tech made us a DVD instead of printing out pictures this morning; how cool is that?) Just click the above picture to get to the gallery (or click the “Gallery” link at the top of the page.)

Nuchal Fold screening went just great. The tech & Dr. Schwartz discussed which picture/measurement to submit for review and the “official” measurement. They decided on the largest measurement she could get, which was 1.21mm. Anything under 3mm is just great, so we were very pleased with these results.

They took a bunch of blood for the 1st trimester screening panel, and gave me supplies to (ick) capture all my urine for 24 hours. So Sunday will be fun. But they gotta check for protein and something else, and this gives them a baseline.

Insulin got bumped up a little more (2 units) and Dr. Schwartz is adding another BP med since I don’t think the Labetelol is really doing anything. But he’s OK with my BP where it is, and is happy to see my blood sugars where they are. Nobody had mentioned my weight to me at any appointments so far, so I asked. Turns out I lost 2lb this time, which seems odd to me, cuz I feel puffier than ever and can’t fit into some of my jeans already.

All in all, great appointment. Paul and I are so stoked!!

Dr. Appt (9w6d)

Today’s doctor appointment was pretty quick, but still satisfying. (That sounds weird, doesn’t it?)

Paul couldn’t come with me, but that was OK – nothing major to discuss today. Next time I’ll want him there if possible. But today was just a check on me and my meds, and a check on the critter. It’s like there’s two exams happening at once. While the tech is doing the internal ultrasound, Dr. Schwartz is quizzing me on my blood sugars and how I’m feeling and whatnot.

I forgot to ask for the heartrate, but I heard it loud and clear when they started the ultrasound. Sounds like a tiny herd of horses in there! The tech was either really gentle, or the critter is getting big enough that they don’t have to go all Cirque Du Soleil to get a good angle anymore. I think it’s more of the latter.

The little critter is now 3.5cm (nearly 1.5″) and has a face! The tech was able to get a couple of profile shots – so finally it looks like there’s a baby in there instead of some weird cyst. :) It’s still pretty alien-looking with the huge forehead and all, but at least there’s identifiable parts! Well, they’re fairly identifiable on the original printout – if you know what you’re looking for.

10 week ultrasound

I’m doing well too. Dr. Schwartz loves my blood sugar webpage, and wants me to add a column for taking my blood pressure too. We talked about my concerns about my sugars still being too high (especially fasting in the mornings) but he kinda got on me to relax about it. He reminded me that the “diabetic rules for eating” don’t exactly apply to pregnant ladies. He’s not nearly as concerned about my ‘high’ sugars as I am, and is more impressed with my attitude and willingness to do whatever he tells me. He said that he spends entire pregnancies trying to get a patient to make slight changes in diet or whatever and that he rarely has ever seen a patient as motivated as me to make necessary changes. So that was nice to hear. I don’t think I’ve ever had a doctor who has validated the fact that I do try to follow the rules and be a good patient. It’s nice to have someone telling me that I’m doing just fine and to relax. :)

My blood pressure is still too high though – it seems that the labetelol that I’ve been on forever isn’t working as well as it used to. (Personally, I don’t think it was really working before.) He upped my dose again and wants to see what effect that has before changing things again. He’s concerned that I’m gonna be passing out whenever I stand up. :)

Also, Dr. Schwartz volunteered to call my pharmacy and straighten them out about my insulin. They gave him the same explanation they tried on me: it’s my insurance that won’t let me have two vials at once. So after he called me and told me that, I called my insurance again. I talked to a wonderful girl who double and triple checked with her supervisors that I CAN indeed have two vials at once and that Walgreen’s Pharmacy is full of crap. She’s having the plan administrator double check why the Walgreen’s system might be kicking it back though. Once they re-confirm everything, someone will call me back and then they’ll call Walgreen’s for me and explain to them how to do their job. (sigh) Having insurance is supposed to make health care easier, isn’t it?

Next appointment is on December 30th at 9:30am. Really hoping Paul can come to that one. They’ll be doing the nuchal fold test then. But in the meantime, things are progressing just as they should. I’m still pretty dang tired, but that’s to be expected right now.