New developments (5m2w)

Just a little update here, cuz I still have a banging cold and should have been in bed an hour ago at least.

Kieran is sitting up unassisted for longer and longer periods of time.  I don’t know how long he has to go before it counts as “sitting” as opposed to “supported sitting” but he’s doing it.  Proof:

Still sitting up!  What a strong little guy!

Also, Kieran is getting really good at reaching out for, grabbing, holding onto and bringing things to his mouth.  This is great for his pacifier (the infrequent times he uses it) because he can replace it in his mouth when he wants it.  This is not so wonderful for my glasses.  Proof:

Somebody got Mama's glasses again!

This little guy is a happy little goof.  Proof:

What a little goof!

Naturally, there’s more pictures.

5 month update (5m1w)

I cannot believe how much Kieran has changed in the last month!! It’s like he went from ‘infant’ to BABY.  He’s so solid and sturdy now.  When he’s doing his happy baby kick & flail spaz-out on our knee thing – you’d swear he’s about to leap off and just go run around.

He talks to us now.  Not just mono-syllabic cooing anymore – but  multi-syllable sounds.  And a WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM.   Unfortunately, he likes to chatter up a storm at his overnight feedings.  Tells me about his day and what he dreamed – or tries to at least.  I spend a lot of our overnight visits shushing him.   We still have a good time on the changing table though – lots of discussions, usually involving blowing raspberries at each other and then cracking up. His little baby belly laugh is such a joy.  He’s gone from being a growly Baby Bear to our laughing happy little guy.

Kieran can now sit up with almost no assistance.  He can sit unassisted, but not for terribly long.  He’s had quite enough of his Bumpo for the most part though – he doesn’t seem to mind toppling over.  Paul works with him every day on little baby calisthenics – getting strong and stronger every day.  It’s only a matter of time before he’s sitting up on his own, and rolling over.  He keeps trying, and almost did it this past weekend.  We know as soon as he figures it out, everything changes.  We’re relishing these last days (weeks?) of assuming he’ll be in the same place we put him down when we turn around.

Kieran is getting easier to entertain – mostly because he can entertain himself more now.  He likes to hang out in his exersaucer – and is starting to figure out that he can spin around to get to the toy he wants.  It’s incredible to watch him interact with his toys.  It’s obvious he remembers what he likes now, and can ‘work’ his toys.  Like the push button on the talking mirror or the froggy spinning top on his exersaucer – he remembers how to make them go!  It’s incredible to watch him figure things out.  He’s SO smart!  (Not that I’m biased at all…)

Growth wise, Kieran is on fire!  We’re pretty sure we can hear him creaking in his crib overnight.  He’s kissing 16 pounds and is filling out his 6 month footie sleepers really well.  His little Charlie Brown head is getting bigger and bigger – and fortunately his hair seems to be keeping up.  He’s got a pleasant amount of baby chunk on his fat little thighs and arms.  We know he’s growing taller because his infant size cloth diapers are starting to get too small – he is sporting the occasional plumber’s crack.  Looks like I’ll be boiling the next size diapers this month!

If you can’t tell yet – we are just SO in love with this little guy.  He is the light of our lives and such a joy!

The Monthly Comparison gallery has been updated with 5 month pics.  (It’s getting harder to take these pictures because Kieran grabs the stuffed animals and flails them around like mad – so catching a picture with the stuffed animal in place is a matter of timing!)

It's getting harder to get a still shot with the Stegosaurus! (5mo)Self portrait before going for a ride on Air Mommy! (5mo)Sitting around with Eeyore!  (5mo)

Thanksgiving 2010 (5m-1d)

After the first volley...What an incredible weekend.  We had a house full of family for Thanksgiving.  Aunt Juanita flew in on Thursday morning and joined her son Glenn, his girlfriend Katie and their two boys (from Sacramento) to surprise Grandma Cat for her 75th birthday on Thanksgiving.

We had a total of 13 adults, 2 toddlers (Glenn’s boys Glenn Edwin [2yo] and Greylon [1yo]) and two babies for Thanksgiving Dinner.  Grampa John, Great-Grandma Cat, Grampy Tom, Grammy Jeanne, Great-Aunt Nita, Uncle If Kieran at 16lb fits, the 21.5lb turkey should too!Oin, Auntie Cynthia, Aunt Cassie, Cousin Glenn + Katie, and our friend Sibyana.  There was plenty of food, and everyone seemed to enjoy dinner.  I made  good use of multiple crock pots once again and had everything served at 6:00.

Our turkey this year was 21.5 pounds, 5.5+ pounds heavier than Kieran!  Ridiculous pictures were had before I got to fooling around with the turkey.

Juanita stayed here with us, along with Dad and Grandma.  Oin and Cynthia Kieran's ready to start cooking!stayed at a timeshare, and Glenn and his family stayed at the Hilton.  (Oin and Cynthia will be here with us for their last night in Vegas.)  Kieran stayed with us in our room in the pack & play.  That went better than I expected, but I was afraid our squeaky bed would wake him up every time one of us got in or out of bed.  (Well, that and Paul’s snoring…)  Kieran’s (ah hem) schedule is mostly shot to hell, but we’re hoping we can maybe tweak things Surprisingly fun times with Great Aunt Nita!as we put them back to rights.  I’ve got him d0wn for his third nap of the day as I type this.  (We actually managed four by the time the day was over!)

We’ve enjoyed the rest of the weekend, just hanging around the house, talking and laughing – wherever Aunt Nita is, there is always laughter.  Kieran has Lemme taste your nose, Grampa!been such a great little guy – smiling and laughing for everyone.  I’ve been trying to take pictures with everyone, saving memories as best I can.  There have been many tears, most of them happy. I wish mom could have seen this, her kids and her grandson; her daughter as a mom and her son as an uncle.  But Dad (Grampa John) is enjoying Kieran to the max, Having a snooze with Great Grandma Catso that is really great to watch.   Watching my grandmother playing airplane with my son and then later taking a snooze with him in the recliner have been some of the episodes of happy tears this weekend.

What a difference a year makes.  Kieran will be 5 months old tomorrow.  He has been such a blessing to us, in what would have been a really tough year.  Things aren’t perfect for us, and we have a tough road ahead in a lot of ways, but we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.  We’re looking forward to spending a family Christmas focusing on love and togetherness and starting the new year as a family.

Clicky the piccys to see more pics than you probably want to – but many of them are absolutely adorable.

Oh yes Mama, we need onions for the stuffing...A happy Kieran the morning after with Grampa JohnOh hi Mama!  I didn't see you there!There were serious tweets to be sent!Kieran modeling his new dinosaur hat from Auntie LisaKieran and Uncle Oin on Sunday morning

Señor Pie y Señor Pie

In the last two weeks or so, Kieran has been party to numerous Cross-Border Summits.  Mr. Hand and Mr. Hand have been working diligently to establish relations with their new friends from the South, Señor Pie y Señor Pie.  (Pronounced “pee-ay” – for those not up on their Spanish.)

Currently these important meetings can only occur at the diplomatically neutral location of the changing table, as cloth diapers present too fluffy a butt to surmount at their current (relatively short) distance apart.  Presumably as both parties become more familiar with each other, they will meet with greater frequency and in other locations.  (Translated: once Kieran grows a little more his more bulky cloth diapers won’t get in his way so much.)  In the meantime, Kieran looks like a little fart cannon as he tries his best to get his feet into his mouth during lengthy between-diaper nakey time.

Yes, Paul and I are obsessed with our sons hands and feet.  We don’t see this as a problem.

Oh, and also two weeks ago: Kieran found his thumb.  :)

LOVE those hands and feet!

First Family Photo Session (4m3w)

I gotta say, the folks at the PictureMe photo studio inside Walmart have their schtick down.  I got hit up in the baby medicine aisle at Walmart by a young lady with a clipboard.  She had awesome coupons with her, and I was sold.  I made an appointment for two weeks later.

We lucked out that our appointment on Saturday fit with Kieran’s schedule for the day – at 10:00am he was 20 minutes up from a nap, dry and had a snack.  Paul and I made sure we looked presentable, but the focus was on our little man.  The photographer girl was good at her job and tried to get poses of just Kieran to start with.  But since he can’t sit up unassisted, and he HATES being on his tummy for anything, most of the kid-only poses don’t work right now.  No worries though.  We were able to get some great photos with all three of us, just Mama+Kieran and Daddy+Kieran, and one of just Mama+Daddy.

Another candid that actually turned out pretty good!The photographer girl was good though – as I held Kieran and entertainedKieran loves to stand with help from Mama & Daddy! him while she was readying the camera for a different shot, she noticed that we were having a good time and kept clicking that shutter.  One of the two ‘official’ Mama+Kieran pictures came from those candids.  She was cool with suggestions too – Paul suggested a pose where we hold his hands, but he’s the focus of the shot.  It’s one of our favorites.

We took a while to look at the photos as the photographer added vignette borders and cropped them.  We were obviously not her average customers, with our combined photography & design experience.  (Paul and I both were fondly remembering photo sessions with Kim Plahuta a billion years ago too.)  She showed us some custom things they do with photo collages, which I was surprised that Paul liked as much as he did.  When it was all said and done (they’re smart to have you look at all the pics for a while before they spring the prices on you) the package we ended up getting was more than I expected to pay, but less than Paul was thinking – and because our photographer liked us, we got some extra big pics thrown in.  But the best part is that in addition to the prints we have coming, we have the CD of all the pictures from the session now.  So without further ado:  The Gorman Family.

Happy little family.Collage PrintInformal Family B&W